AR, VR & 3D institutions

Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

The Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance (AREA) is the only global non-profit, member-based organization dedicated to widespread adoption of interoperable AR-enabled enterprise systems.

Immersive Education

The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international collaboration of educational institutions, research institutes, museums, consortia and companies. The Initiative was established in 2005 with the mission to define and develop standards, best practices, technology platforms, training and education programs, and communities of support for virtual worlds, virtual reality, augmented and mixed reality, simulations, game-based learning and training systems, and fully immersive environments such as caves and domes.


As an independent, nonprofit, global association, ISACA engages in the development, adoption and use of globally accepted, industry-leading knowledge and practices for information systems. Previously known as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, ISACA now goes by its acronym only, to reflect the broad range of IT governance professionals it serves.


As every business becomes a digital business, technology advances like the Internet of Things and augmented reality have the potential to add significant business value-and to make everyday life more convenient and enriching. However, with the benefits come risks.

ISACA’s 2016 IT Risk/Reward Barometer looks at the risks and rewards of AR, and how organizations and individuals are beginning to use it. While consumers are excited to adopt AR, many organizations report concerns regarding cost, ROI, privacy and security. A strong governance foundation will give them the confidence they need to pursue emerging technologies like this one.

VR/AR Association

The VR/AR Association (The VRARA) is an international organization designed to foster collaboration between innovative companies and people in the virtual reality and augmented reality ecosystem that accelerates growth, fosters research and education, helps develop industry standards, connects member organizations and promotes the services of member companies.

World VR Forum

World VR Forum is a Swiss non profit organization dedicated to advancing the virtual, augmented and mixed reality industries.

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